Thankfully, Pixie Head can make pancakes without destroying half a kitchen, and she cheerfully let me stand next to her while she did all the work. It's also a good thing that she was there for the shopping. Cheese is not required for pancakes it seems. Who knew? Everyone. Apparently, except me. Ah well.
So, anyway, after much help, we managed to cook some pancakes, and I got to give a shot at flipping...

Pictured: Flipping fail... He swears he managed to get one...

Pictured: The master Pixie Head shows us how it's done...
You've got to hand it to people who manage this on a regular basis without bother. Chefs with their dab hands, the likes of Pixie Head and the other baking nuts. I'm sure with practice there's a knack to it, but novices like you and me will either overshoot, and hit the roof, or undershoot and not even get the thing airborne. I know that there's a terrible sex joke in there somewhere, but for the life of me I haven't the energy to think of it.
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