Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thing 275 Alphabetise

I'm not very organised. Never have been. I've got mail from 2007 that I still haven't opened yet. I once went nearly two years without NCT, not because I couldn't afford it, or because I was taking a moral stand against it, but because I'm so badly organised... and lazy. I'm also very,very lazy.

Like you wouldn't believe lazy.

Just one of my many talents in this life includes the ability to purchase and own Digital Versatile Discs. Yep, I'm pretty gifted when it comes to having a DVD collection. There are two hundred and fifty six of them. That doesn't include the ones I lost, lent to people who never gave them back, or just deliberately left at other people's houses after watching them. Thank you very much War Games Two. Useless, dreadful, pile of nonsense.

We regularly watch the DVDs and wind down with a fire. But it seemed to me the whole way through November and December, every time I went to grab a movie from the collection, there was one missing, sometimes in Pony Boy's room, sometimes in mine, sometimes I was to blind and/or stupid to find the thing right under my own nose.

Who says you can't combine Project Things with some practical organisation. For the first time in 2011, and probably the last, I took some pro-active steps towards organising my life. Not paying bills. Not sorting out my credit card debt. No none of that for me. Instead there was two and a half hours of alphabetisation in the living room while the other kids mocked me...
To be fair, some of the DVDs are worth mocking... Moulin Rouge is in there. I'm not ashamed of it, I think it's an awesome show. I'm less than impressed with the Friday Movies collection. Ice Cube just loves selling out apparently.

So there was a format: Four stacks, roughly sixty movies in each stack. Starting with A at the top of the furthest stack to the left. Then B, and so on... you've probably got a rough grasp of the alphabet. This method is okay, except that if you want to watch a movie starting with F, you're digging into the bottom of a stack, which then topples over. Nice. Happened twice to me.

But I set out to alphabetise, and alphabetise is what I did. All two hundred and fifty six of them... Which as of last week, became two hundred and sixty: Thank you Speed, O Brother Where Art Thou, Crash and The Mask...

To be fair, it might be the only Project Thing that I've done and stuck with. It still stands tall today... in correct order and everything.

Chuffed. Begs not putting Crash into the stack...

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