Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thing 122 Drink Smithwick's

Oh yes. One third of the way there now. 122 Things done. Calls for a celebration. Knight Man once told me that the big milestone Things (like reaching triple figures) should be big crazy outrageous Things. Not so I say. If I want the milestone to be a pint of Smithwick's then a pint of Smithwick's it shall be.

Words fail me. Not because it was spectacularly awesome, but because my hangover is so gigantic that it can be seen from space. I'll need two seats all day, one being for the hangover. As Band Man says - I'm sick as a bus to Lourdes.

Cat Lady (she hates the name, but I think it's hilarious), Bean Bag, Big Bean The Canuck, Denny Boy, Pixie Head. All of them bought me pints. That means at least six of them, not including the ones I got myself.
The Smithwick's people have a long way to go to catch the genius marketing people at Guinness. Does anyone remember the days when Guinness was an old man drink only? Before that it was a rural old man drink only. Clever marketing and millions of euro later and Guinness is regarded as a "cool" drink. People of all ages and both genders enjoy a pint of the black stuff.

All I heard all day long from the people in work, when I told them about Smithwick's Thing, was warnings of how disgusting it was going to be. When I got to the pub to actually have my drink, Big Bean was telling me that I'm too young for Smithwick's. What's really the difference between Guinness and Smithwick's? Well, that's a stupid question, they're two totally different drinks. What I meant was; why has one such a positive image and the other not?

Marketing. Bill Hicks hated them for a reason.
Really quality stuff. Honestly. Guinness head on a pint of Smithwick's. It's one of those things that I think I might actually go back to. I can see myself drinking a pint of Smithwick's on a regular basis. But then again, I already view myself as an old man. It's kind of my thing.


  1. Have you ever tried the Red Guinness Dan? Had it before in Blackburn in the Irish pub, its lighter than guinness, still has the same head, and tastes exactly the same with the same alcohol content - dont know why they dont sell it here!

  2. guinness is red anyway, its not actually black
