I promised myself when I was small that I'd never abandon Earthworm Jim, my favouritest of all my favourites. So I made a Project Thing out of it. Now there's some serious blog policing going on these days so here's where we'll clarify bits and pieces. The new Thing for the day can be any one of the following, take your pic: I watched an entire season of Skeleton Warriors in one sitting. That includes episodes I've never seen. I also downloaded Earthworm Jim and Skeleton Warriors, which is something I've never done before either.
All I know is that while I was small I could dedicate several hours to watching cartoons before Mam and Dad got up on a Saturday morning. I've never spent a whole day sitting on my backside from morning till evening just watching cartoons. As an adult this sort of thing is frowned upon on a Monday, but as a shift worker who's been drowning many sorrows in the wake of Munster's defeat at Toulon, well it makes perfect sense. It was a funny day, with a weird sense of nostalgia attached to it. The theme music from the shows brought back memories of being a ten year old and made me think of things that I've not recalled in years.
Whatever about Earthworm Jim, which retains it's class, style and entertainment value, Skeleton Warriors was a complete blast from the past. The theme tune transported me back to Parteen in 1994. It's not like you can recall every detail from episodes of a TV show you saw when you were a pre-pubescent little snot, but somehow it all seemed very familiar. Except the final episode. I'd never seen it. I'd watched that show a million times, I'm sure of it, but there were only thirteen episodes made. I'm sure I'd seen at least fifty, but I'd never seen the last one, and that was only one out of thirteen...
Mind you, there were two seasons of Earthworm Jim. In all its awesome gloriousness. Now while Skeleton Warriors was wearing a little thin by the time I got to episode thirteen, I'm fairly certain that I'll never grow bored of this show. It was voiced by Dan Castellanetta, he who legendarily plays the voice of Homer Simpson. Could you ask for a bigger hero to play the voice of the world's greatest hero?

I do love me a good cartoon. And sometimes The Project is just real good to me. I wish more of the stuff was as cool as this...
Roll on Star Wars marathon says you...