The real new experience of the day was the trip back home...
I'm not sharp with my money. I'd blown most of it in the first three days of the trip, so I kept the little bit aside for the following; car parking back in Dublin. The bus from Disneyland Hotel to Beauvais Airport. Money for the extra check-in bag full of shopping which was now needed to bring on to the flight. It left little in the way of funds for hacking around. In fact, it left almost nothing. Credit card was maxed out too, with the last of it going on some grub at the airport...
Now, on top of being craptacular at minding my money, I'm also not the sharpest in the world when it comes to time-keeping. The two are related, probably. Or something. I'm trying not to delve too deep. One way or another, I'm not great at either. A prime example of not being good at timekeeping includes not setting your clock to Paris time and thinking you've two hours to kill in the airport, when in fact, you've got only one.
Two hours is plenty of time to check in a bag. Alright, that queue is looking a little long, but there's lots of time. Now, checking in luggage at the airport means handing over your boarding passes, and taking your docket to a seperate counter to split with your cash... or in this case, and according to the terms and conditions (which I didn't read, let's not make this a list of my shortcomings please) on the Ryanair website, your credit. They don't accept cash. Which would be fine if there was money left on my card... Now what to do... Panic? No, sure there's loads of time left to sort this out...
It's at this point that I realise my clock is still set on Irish time...
Yes. It's now time to panic.
I've no credit in my phone, and The Thief's battery is dead, and she's no charger. Thankfully there's interweb on my phone. So I can webtext... At this point I'd like to thank Panda for his prompt reply. And for the unending suspicion that there was some kind of scam act going on. He was insisting that the person webtexting wasn't me, and was in fact some kind of French scam.
By the time he figured out that it wasn't a scam, they'd closed the check in desk. How many twenty six year old men do you know who are on the edge of heart attacks? Seriously... I could nearly feel the tingle in my left arm. Thankfully the nice lady had them re-open the desk. Sprinting to the boarding gate.
By the way, don't do that. Security in France aren't going to be rushed, and even if you don't set off the alarm, they're going to put their hands in your socks to search for drugs. Yep. In my socks. Do I look like the kind of person who smuggles drugs? On second thought, don't answer that...
Raced all the way down to boarding gate. Where everyone was waiting... so much for running.
So while the Thing was to see the Disney Studios (which I really do recommend), the new experience was Beauvais Airport... it'll be the last time I experience it. I'll swim home before I fly out of there again...
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