Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thing 295 Shave my Legs

Just look at those pins... Oh yeah. I grew them myself you know. So as hair removal goes, this Project has been busy. I shaved a mohawk in, shaved the hair dye out, had my personal bits waxed, my chest shaved, I've cut someone else's locks, and now... now I've even shaved my own legs.

Ever since the start of The Project, I've found myself watching an awful lot less television. Much as I want to veg out, all the time, there's just no opportunity most of the time. Occasionally I find myself missing parts of it. Specifically, the ads. Isn't that weird? I miss good ads. Good ads like those two fellas in the Fosters ad. Hilarious Australians in their little shack. Even a bad ad can have a strange hold on you - like Barry Scott (whoever he is) screaming at you about how much he loves Cillit Bang. Would we even remember the product if this chap wasn't screaming at us?

There's a point to this, and I'm getting there. Bear with me.

I've always found ads for ladies razors oddly alluring. They make leg shaving look like it's something you should look forward to. Like some kind of personal treat to yourself. The also make lady razors look fifty times more effective than man-razors. I have this mental image of shaving myself with a lady razor, and it being just like wiping my face with a silken towel, resulting in facial smoothness. Which would be awesome, as I hate shaving...
My legs are so damn hairy though, that I'd to use the hair clippers that's normally reserved for shaving my head, and trim those pins all the way down. But I stopped at the line where my boxers start, so now I've got this weird hairline right across my thighs. It's hilarious looking. Then of course I'd forgotten to get lady razors, so I'd to use disposables. And I'd to do it with one leg sticking into my shower, half falling over, and there was no cool music in the background. Those ads lied to me. There's nothing great about shaving your legs.

Advertisements lied to me... how could they? I've never been so betrayed...

I'm going to come up with some categories for the different Things, in lieu of actual categories, I'm going to call this a "Rubbernecker". It's where my housemates, or anyone near by really, stops what they're doing to watch. It happens more than you'd think. Free Hugs Thing got a crowd. So did Thomond Park Seats Thing. Now since I wasn't shaving my legs on O'Connell Street, it was down to Lady Northy, Token Northy, Pony Boy, The Frenchman, Little Flower and Tiny Fairy. I think Lady Northy was most disturbed by the whole thing...
Mind you, disturbing is only starting. There's so much worse to come. All too often one of the Things leads in to another. Thing 296 is going to make your eyes burn... Most especially the lads... You can't unsee what's about to come next...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, can you suggest me for some brands which will not cost so high. My legs also looks so odd with full of unwanted hairs.
