Don't you judge me. Don't you absolutely dare judge me... And yes. That is a cup of my pee.
Just so you know, Urine Therapy, while having little in the way of scientific basis is used regularly by several types of yoga practitioners, plenty of the population of India, and by some severe dieting people - mind you, they'll eat/drink anything. Nutjobs. Urea in urine does have some quality ingredients, it's rich in vitamin c for example, but most of these can be found in things an awful lot less disgusting than something you excreted... Still, and I'm not kidding about this, loads of people think this shit is genuinely good for them. How can they possible do this crap every day?
First of all, I had to pee in a cup. That's disgusting. Then I'd to wrap it in plastic. That's disgusting. I needed to chill it. That's disgusting. But I chilled it too much and actually froze it, so then I had to let it defrost. That's horrendously disgusting. Then I'd to drink it. I can't begin to describe how disgusting that is.
Here's a photo of me chugging-a-lug.

This is the real stuff that The Project is made of. It's something horrendously challenging, it's new and different, and it pushes the boundaries of everyday life. It's done widely by other people, and now I have the authority to confidently say that I've done it, and can tell you first hand how disgusting it is.
I did gag alot. It threatened to make a reappearance, and I'd to whip back a couple of beers in fairly short order to get the taste out of my mouth. Here's hoping a few more beers while erase the memory....

I realise that this is going to make people everywhere gag and judge me, but it had to be done. I recently discovered that Yoga Instructors have to do it when they go on retreat. I bet you'll never look at Yoga the same way again. Also, for hygiene purposes, the cups been thrown out, and the rooms have been sterilised, so you're safe to visit, and drink our "tea".
For fun. Here's Little Flower being utterly disgusted with me...

ReplyDeleteDear god, man.
ReplyDeleteMan, you need to check your sources on yoga retreats, you can drink your piss if you want to but you don't 'have' to do it.
ReplyDeletesweet jesus...
ReplyDeleteI'll never be able to look at you the same Dan. What next, Golden Showers?
ReplyDeleteAh... Dan??
ReplyDeletefair play dan! see u tonight
ReplyDeleteWent to bed steaming one night but brought a carton of Apple Juice in with me... drank the lot of it and fell to sleep..
ReplyDeletewoke up horrendously hung over...
I couldn't have got out of the bed if it was on fire... I realised I was bursting for a slash... and out of sure alcohol wrecked laziness I pissed back into the apple juice carton... Got up later and totally forgot about the applejuice carton filled with piss...
you know whats coming...
My mum came ito to change the bed or something... found the apple juice carton and...
your on the edge of your seat aren't you...
...put it in the fridge...
Long story short. I came home later that day gasping reached into the fridge poured a pint of my own piss and glugged it down... before realising that that flavourless yet gag worthy foul smelling stuff was in fact my piss... and spraying it across the kitchen...
My mum wet herself laughing...
Just thankful we had no visitors that day...
ReplyDeletethere is a name for it (apart from disgusting) - urotherapy
little flower is hot