I love the “Letters to the Editor” page of the Irish Times. I like to call it the “Crank File”. Everyday I sit down to read it with my coffee, just before I do the crossword (what, I’m an old man, don’t you judge me), and I imagine what scathing and witty comments I’d put in if I wrote a letter.
Mostly I get bogged down trying to think of ways to sneak curse words into the letters without being noticed… I know, it takes a special kind of juvenile mind.
I like to thing that it represents a kind of written vox-pop of people’s thoughts, though too often The Times remains an Ivory Tower establishment with concurrent Ivory Tower sentiments. Not terribly practical, and almost no swear words at all.
Nonetheless I find it engaging and I always wanted to get one published. The tricky thing about getting one published is that you have to write one first. Seriously. It’s only logical. If you don’t write it, they can’t publish it… I should have thought of this before.
In the last three months or so, I’ve thought of about fifteen things that I would actually settle down to write my own crank mail about, but I’ve restrained myself.
Today, I could contain myself no longer… There it was, live on Lunchtime on Newstalk with Eamonn Keane. Dr Jim McDaid, a Fianna Fail (shudder) TD who’s earning TD wages, and also drawing a ministerial pension. That’s two wages. TWO. There are thousands of people up and down the country who can’t get one wage, and this man has two. But here’s where it gets extra good: Despite the fact that every other politician (bar three Fianna Fail, again, shudder), has returned their pension, Dr McDaid will not.
Because he thinks it will damage democracy. Yep. Democracy will be hurt if he gives back the twenty two thousand extra euro of taxpayers money that he draws down on top of his already ludicrous TD wages. Good Lord what a shocking load of utter shite.
That’s a picture of the offensive tool at the top of your screen there…
So I sat down, and I sharpened my mind. And I got the claws out, and I wrote a long ass stinker of a letter which I promptly deleted by accident…
But it’s okay, because they wont print the really long ones anyway, especially not when it’s strewn with swear words. So I re-wrote it in a shorter, cattier, bitchier, sarcastic-ier version. I hope you like it. Pick up tomorrow’s Irish Times to see if it gets printed… fingers crossed….
Let me be among the first to applaud Dr Jim McDaid for his devotion to democracy. In the face of overwhelming numbers of other TDs giving up their additional pensions, it must have been difficult for him to hang on to the additional twenty two thousand euro of taxpayers’ money. It takes a brave and noble politician to hang on to twenty two thousand euro entirely for democracy’s sake, and without a single thought for himself or his own bank balance. It must also have been difficult for TD Bertie Ahern to return his money, as far as I know, he doesn’t have a bank account. Once again our politicians feed us their lines, and just as pathetically, we gobble them up.
Yours etc.,
Dan Mooney
Did you know that the Irish saved civilization? Or at least that's what they tell me... Basically, as books were burned across Europe and Vikings plundered for all they were worth (they were awesome at that), copies of religious texts and histories were being lost left right and centre. Irish monks were copying and transcribing goodo (and they were awesome at that - which is pretty crap compared to being awesome at plundering).
Among the fine works completed by the Celtic monks was the Book of Kells.
It's described in the Annals of Ulster (stop giggling children), as being one of the most important pieces of lietature in Western Civilization around the time of 1200ad. Which is quite a feat. It remains to this day one of the finer representations of Irish culture. And it's also a complete miracle that it even survived - since the Vikings spent so much time sacking the shit out of Kells. Seriously. They torched that place dozens of times.
It's one of those things that everyone should see if they live in Ireland and have ever heard of Dublin (am I spelling it right? Dublin?). Sad thing is, it's one of the weird things I kept putting off over and over. I'll see it next time, I kept saying.
It's really breathtaking stuff. And I'm kind of ashamed that I didn't take the time to see it sooner.
On the list of other cool stuff that I've not seen in Ireland - Blarney Stone, Giant's Causeway, Newgrange, Longford... (scratch that last one...).
Tonight's fun and games includes a nice trip to Panti Bar with a good gang of Dubs, and will constitute tomorrow's Thing - Attend a Drag Show. Here's hoping it's as inspiring as today's trip...
P.S. Aud - I'll donate blood next week in Limerick. I got the not so subtle text message hint earlier on... :) Thanks though!!!
A project to complete 366 brand new things that I've never done before in one year and one day. Project will start on my 26th birthday, April 14th 2010, and should be complete on the day I turn 27. This is the story (like all good stories) of the start, middle and end of The Project: 366 Things.